#58 Empowering Women to Navigate a Broken Healthcare System

Ever wondered why women tend to sideline their own healthcare needs? Why, despite being diligent about our health, we often put others first? In this episode we dive deep with Susan Salenger, a fierce advocate for women's healthcare, author, and researcher. Susan navigates us through her book, "Sideline: How Women Can Navigate a Broken Healthcare System", and shares her eye-opening journey from the film industry to becoming the voice for women in healthcare.

We delve into the reasons women undermine their own healthcare, and Susan offers practical tips on how to communicate effectively with doctors, educate ourselves about our healthcare options, and create safe spaces for sharing our experiences. 

Susan's Bio:
Susan Salenger is the author and researcher behind SIDELINED: How Women Can Navigate A Broken Healthcare System. Sidelined examines the many ways in which some women manage and sometimes mismanage their healthcare. Susan explores how women, typically the medical gatekeepers for their families, tend to be extremely conscientious about taking care of themselves, yet at the same time inadvertently undermine their own care. They often hesitate to call the doctor when they don’t feel well and worry that their doctor visit will take time away from their families or work. They may hesitate to ask doctors the necessary questions and don’t always comply with the doctor’s instructions. Salenger’s research reveals how conflicted many women are about the medical decisions they ultimately make.

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#58 Empowering Women to Navigate a Broken Healthcare System
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